Welcome to Lift Your Heart With Smiles!!

I'm so very glad you took the time to stop by. This is a place where I hope everyone can find something to lift their heart. Be it a photo, an inspirational note, a story that helps us laugh at those not-so-funny moments in life or something to help lift our spirits and our faith.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience" ~James 1:2

Patience - It is said patience is a virtue.  The Bible quote above says our troubles in this world test our faith and give us patience.  This is so very true.  

As an example, I recently was trying to download a favorite Christian song from Amazon.com.  It would not work.  The download said it did, but Windows Media would not recognize the file nor play the song.  Now you must understand that I am not a computer geek.  I can usually persist at problems I have on the computer and solve some of them.  And most of the problems I have solved have been due to my persistence and patience - there is just something wrong with being outsmarted by a machine and I know that patience with myself and the problem is what it will take to work through it.  I choose to be patient with myself so I can solve my computer problems.  However, I am not always patient with myself or with circumstances in other areas of my life, but I am learning to be.  I was born a perfectionist and have had to overcome this throughout my life, because life itself is not perfect.  I thank God for the situations he has asked me to work through or overcome that have taught me patience.  I thank God for the friends he has blessed my life with because they have helped me to see that I need patience when what I want is to have a problem situation solved "right now."  They have helped me to see that "right now" is not what I needed, but instead I needed to work my way through the troubles to become a better person and become closer to God.  They say hindsight is 20-20 and if I look at the troubles I have come through I can see the lessons I've learned and how each of them was a growing period in my life.  Patience can be as simple as waiting on someone to meet you or waiting for the sun to go down to get just the right light in a photograph.  Or, it can be as complicated as having patience with yourself or others as you work through a troubled time.  

I pray that I can remember to say "Thank you Lord Jesus" each time I am faced with troubles in my life.

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