Welcome to Lift Your Heart With Smiles!!

I'm so very glad you took the time to stop by. This is a place where I hope everyone can find something to lift their heart. Be it a photo, an inspirational note, a story that helps us laugh at those not-so-funny moments in life or something to help lift our spirits and our faith.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Admit When You are Wrong

  • Looks like I made an error in my last post titled "Change is Constant".  
  • Ha ha, I am not afraid to admit I was wrong.  
  • When I said I had posted last in 2016, it was actually May of 2020.   
  • Enjoy your day and don't be afraid to admit when you are wrong, because none of us are right all of the time!!

Change is Constant - Like it or not

Well, folks, it looks like I have been absent from this blog for quite some time.  My last post was in 2016 if I am correct and my, oh my, so much has changed in the past seven years. They say change is constant and how correct that statement is. In 2016 we were in just the second year of a new Chief of Police for the small, local police department I worked for.  It was my 13th year working as an administrative staff member for the department.  By then I had worked for four different Chiefs and three Interim Chiefs.  Each Chief brought their own ideas on how the department would run and what duties my position would consist of.  Also, during those 13 years, I lost both parents over a period of one year and four months. Talk about 13 years of change and a multitude of life lessons in resiliency for me.  

Beginning in 2016 (when I last posted to this blog) things at work were constantly changing and we were juggling so many projects it was hard to decide which to work on first each day.  The idea of making a to-do list was a joke because each hour of each day brought something new to work on.  Mostly we made lists of the projects we were each responsible for so nothing would slip through the cracks.  Somehow everything got done, but I am still amazed at all the things we juggled each day.

I retired in the fall of 2019 (another change for me) and of course, we all know COVID hit early in 2020. Just about every place was closed, and people from every industry were working from home.  It was the year that brought huge changes to our way of life and even today many of those changes are still in effect. It was my first full year of retirement and I spent every day at home. That was one crazy change!!  It was the year when I stopped doing my major grocery shopping in person and started ordering from the local grocery stores online and simply picked up the order from the store the next day It was also the year Amazon and I became best friends.  I remember wanting to visit my sister during the summer of that year and we sat in her front yard, about 8 feet apart, with masks on.  What a crazy way to visit with family.  I am so glad we don't have to do that anymore.  

So, I have been retired from the workforce for four years and I am absolutely loving retirement. I have so many projects and hobbies it's a miracle I ever found time to go to work. Now, instead of going to work or sitting at home, I meet friends for a meal at a restaurant or attend concerts with them.  I have learned the art of beading and now make bracelets and necklaces. I draw black and white drawings and paint. I love painting rocks and leaving them wherever I go for others to find.  I enjoy reading and read between 150 and 200 books each year. I am learning to play the keyboard.  And I continue to search my family genealogy.  And sometimes I just enjoy a day of rest.

Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020

Today is Memorial Day. A day of remembrance for all of our military personnel who died while serving this great country of ours.  A day to remember those who did not come home alive.  

Oddly this day also marks the 46th anniversary of my wedding day.  Sadly, the marriage did not stand the test of time and ended just a short 18 years after the wedding.  The marriage may have died, but the love in my heart did not.  The pain is still in my heart.  Although it has lessened over time,  I still tear up thinking about it all.  However, I know that God has a plan for my life and that sometimes I need to go through the pain to get where He needs me to be.  

Several years after our divorce, I was talking with a priest and asking him how I could forgive the transgressions and hurt my ex-husband had caused.  I explained to the priest that I still loved and cared for my ex-husband and that at the end of the day I wanted him to be happy.  I told the priest that if my ex-husband could not be happy with me, I needed to love him enough to let him go so he could be happy with another.  As I finished, I asked again, "How do I forgive him" and the priest smiled at me and said, "My dear, it sounds to me that you just have".  As I looked at the priest I felt a burden lift from my shoulders and I realized he was right.  I harbored no anger or bad feelings toward my ex-husband.  I only wanted him to be happy.  

Today, as I remember all of the military personnel who died fighting for the freedom we enjoy in this country, I also remember the good times I had during those 18 years of marriage.  I say a prayer for the years I had in that marriage, for those who have died, and I say a prayer for my ex-husband.  Praying that he is well and happy.  

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Treasure every moment of every day. Never forget to tell your family and friends how much they mean to you.  Tomorrow is never promised to us.  The next hour is not promised to us.  Just as quickly as this beautiful hawk could fly away, those in our life - family and friends could be gone.  It is so important to treasure those we love and care about and make sure we tell them how much they mean to us.  Don't assume they know.

This morning when I arrived at work I learned one of my coworkers (who has been a friend to me for 13 years) had been in a vehicle accident on his way to work - another driver crossed the center line and crashed head-on into my coworker.  I was shocked but grateful he would be ok. I don't know the fate of the other driver or why he crossed the center line.  I said a prayer for them both.

I had just eaten lunch with this coworker and friend two days before. Time is precious - time with those we love and care about is even more precious.

I hate looking at vehicles that have been wrecked - especially when the vehicle belongs to someone I know and care about.  But when I went out at lunchtime I went to the back of our parking lot to look at my coworker's vehicle.  It was incredibly damaged and I knew in my heart that only by the Grace of God my friend was not hurt seriously. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weather the Storms

It has been way too long since I last added a post to my blog.  Tonight I am battling insomnia - and at the moment losing the battle.  So I decided to see if I could empty my head of all the thoughts that are running rampant and keeping me awake. 

Yesterday I drove a couple hours from my home to a small town (pop. 1400) in Arizona to take pictures.  I found a walking trail along the San Pedro River bed that led through a forest of very old and very large mesquite trees.  These trees have stood the test of time, weathered the winds. floods. and storms, and yet, continue to grow each year.  This tree reminded me of my life when at times I feel I am being pulled in every direction.  In fact most of the time my mind is split out in so many "multitasking" directions it is a miracle I get anything completed.  And yet, I do.  As I stood in the quiet of this forest and looked at this tree and many others that were twisted and bent, I could not help but think how God works in such mysterious ways - not only in nature but also in our lives. There were limbs that had been broken and split and although they turned downward to the ground, a small part of the limb stayed attached to the tree.  This allowed the fallen to continue to live, to grow new branches and leaf out with the beautiful green leaves each year.  

How many times have I felt broken or split?  How many times have I felt beaten down and did not think I could go on?  Too many I am afraid, but just like these trees, I found a way to keep moving forward and live.  Trying to grow and learn from the experience is the only way I know to keep moving and face yet another day.  It is not easy - oh no, it is not easy, but every day I pray and talk with God asking Him to help me face yet another day. I ask Him to help me be strong and to grow.  I ask Him to help me bring joy to others because that is one area where I find my joy.  By helping others and bringing them even just a moment of joy in their day, it helps me to feel better, to feel as if my life matters. So many times in the low points of my life I wonder if my life really matters.  Oh sure, my family and close friends would probably miss me if I were gone, but they would move on with their lives.  So each day I pray that I can help make a difference in the lives of my family and friends and those I come in contact with each day.  Bringing them a smile on a day when they are down, a hug when things are tough in their lives, or just a kind word to the person at the checkout counter when my wait has been long and the people in front of me upset or impatient.  It does no good to be angry or short with the checkout person.  I truly believe that they are doing the very best they can at that time and in that situation. None of us really knows what the other person has on their life-plate at that time. So just like God helps these weathered old trees to continue with their lives and to continue to grow and bring beauty to the world, God is always there for us to help us and He expects us to be kind, to bring joy, and to love one another just as He loves us - even when we make mistakes.    

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Sunset in the southwestern desert is a special time of the day.  For those fortunate to live here we are blessed almost daily with one of God's miracles - an incredible display of color as the sun sets behind the western mountains.  Almost every day I see a sunset photo taken by one of my friends posted to Face Book for everyone to enjoy.  The southwest is known for its incredible sunsets and sunrises.  I captured this photo after a windy day when there were not only clouds in the sky but also a great deal of dust particles.  The outline of the beautiful San Xavier Mission is one of the Spanish Missions built in the 1700s.  When I think of the incredible amount of work it took to build these Spanish missions at a time when the tools we know today had not even been thought of, I marvel at the beautiful and detailed workmanship.  These Spanish missionaries who came through the southwestern Unites States so many years ago were men of God and truly had God's help to endure the hardships it took to travel the long distances and then find a way to build such large and beautiful missions where they could share their faith and teach Christianity to the people they encountered.

I didn't understand this when I was young, but sharing our love of God and our faith is an important part of what God wants us to do as Christians.  In his book "The Purpose Driven Life", Rick Warren writes "Living for God's glory is the greatest achievement we can accomplish with our lives."  Each day that I am able to  keep this thought in the forefront of my mind I find my days are happier, the people around me are happier and I find it easier to turn my life over to God and trust in Him to lead me.  It has taken years and years for me to get to this level of understanding in my faith.  I owe a great deal of thanks to people I have met along the way and friends I still have in my life who help me get back on track when I slip.  People come into our lives for reasons and I firmly believe that either they are there to help us learn or they are there to learn something from us.  In 2 Corinthians 4:15, the Bible states "As God's grace brings more and more people to Christ, ... God will receive more and more glory."  So I now know why these ancient Christian Spaniards were so driven to travel the vast distances and build the missions to share God's word and give glory to God. 

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." 
~Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Located on a busy downtown street is this beautiful old Catholic Cathedral.  It began as a chapel in 1776 that was part of a Spanish fort. The color of the outside has changed some over the years due to weathering and repainting and the structure itself changed from a simple chapel to a cathedral by 1866.  The structure again went through a 2 year restoration that began in 1966 and was completed in 1968.  The interior is beautiful and has the look and feel you would expect to find in the old cathedrals in Rome. There have also been changes on the inside as well over the decades, but none of these have changed the original feel you have when you walk through the front doors.  It immediately brings a sense of peace and a feeling of Christ walking beside you.  As is true of all of the older churches, this one has seen numerous and various ceremonies.  It has witnessed the beginning of life in the baptisms.  It has seen the joining of two lives into one in the many wedding ceremonies held there.  It has also heard the crying of God's children as we grieved with sadness at funerals.  

Thinking back through my family history, this beautiful cathedral has been a part of a child's growing faith as my mother, her sister and brother went to church there each week as children.  It is where my great grandfather's funeral services were held - long before I came along.  It has also seen the funerals of my grandfather, great grandmother, several great aunts and both of my parents.  Every time I attend church service in this cathedral I not only feel the presence of God, but I feel the presence of my family with me.  It is a very peaceful and blessed feeling.

"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock."
Psalm 27:4-5

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sometimes it's a good idea to reflect on our lives.  There have been many times in my own life when I felt something was missing.  It was as if there was an emptiness or a void in my heart that I needed to fill.   Although I was working full time, I  often signed up for volunteer work with agencies such as the Juvenile Diabetes Association, Special Olympics, a Junior Achievement Program, United Way and the American Cancer Society.  I became very active and often took on leadership roles.  I loved being able to contribute my time and myself to all of these.  I loved working with the kids, planning the walk-a-thons and participating in them, but I still felt as if I was missing something.  No matter how many organizations I volunteered for, I still felt a void.  As I continued to search out activities and organizations, I also continued to attend church and pray for the answer.  After much reflection, I realized that although my volunteer work was very helpful to each of the groups I worked with and helped me to feel happy I was able to give back, I knew that simply participating in more and more volunteer work was not filling the void.  I began to realize the emptiness and void I felt was spiritual. It was as if I was missing something in my faith.  Now I need to tell you that I was raised in a very strong Christian (Catholic) family.  I attended church every Sunday and made sure I said my prayers every day, but that didn't seem to be enough.  I struggled with this for almost 20 years before I figured it out.  During those 20 years my life changed quite a bit.  My marriage ended in divorce, a dear, sweet sister-in-law and both my parents died within 2 years of each other and I changed careers.  My sister-in-law and my mother both died in tragic accidents and my father died of a heart attack.

At this point you are probably asking, what was I seeking that I hadn't been able to find for so long?   It was finding friends who shared my belief in our Lord and felt as strongly about their faith as I did.  Friends who not only studied and could discuss the Bible, but who also lived their lives according to God's word.  Once I was able to share what was in my heart, exchange books and quote scripture with them, I found the void was gone.  It was similar to many things in this life, I didn't know what I was seeking until I found it.  It wasn't finding Jesus, because He had always been there for me, it was finding others to share Him with.

"...that I may share with you some spiritual gift so that you may be strengthened, that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by one another's faith, yours and mine."
        ~Romans 1; 11-12

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Rememberances....

Yesterday was Memorial Day….. A day when we remember and honor all of the fallen soldiers who gave their lives for this incredible country we live in.

Until we take the time to look outside the borders of this great country, we cannot really understand what an incredibly good life we have all been blessed with - simply because of God's Grace for placing us in the country we live in.

Over all the years this country has been in existence the men and women in our military forces have defended our constitution, our way of life and our freedom.  There have been, and still are, times when we seem to forget or take for granted how good our lives can be in comparison to many, many other countries around the world. The families of those who fought and gave their lives so we could enjoy the freedoms we have in America, will never forget - and neither should any of us.

It is said that "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure".

Days of remembrance, like this Memorial Day, become days of treasured memories and days of patriotism.  This is the patriotism we all should exhibit every day.  We should remember, honor and treasure those who gave their lives and all those who fought to build and sustain this country on so many wonderful values. America was built by Christian men who thanked their Father in Heaven for all they had been blessed with.  They included His name in high ranking documents that are still in force today - hundreds of years later.  These men fought valiantly to make sure all men and women in America would live in freedom, have the choice to choose our own religion, to pursue our dreams, to have the ability to speak up for right and wrong without fear of retaliation, and to choose our friends and those we want to associate with.

Another saying is that in this life you meet people who forget you.  You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those you cannot forget. Those people are your "friends".  Those people hold a special place in your memory and in your heart - no matter how close or far you may live from one another.

I went to the cemetery today to visit my Grandmother and Step-Grandfather's graves. The section of the cemetery where they are was, and still is, reserved for military personnel and their families.  My grandmother, "Nani" and her husband "Papa" who served as a Sergeant in WWI are buried side by side. There were flags that had been placed on every grave.  As I sat on the grass between their two graves, I was overwhelmed by the sea of U.S. Flags across the grounds.  It was very moving to sit in the quiet and feel the love and dedication it took for a group of people to place each of the flags so all of the military buried there could be honored.

I love the anonymous quote that states: 
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

How true all of these quotes and sayings are.  As I sat there today, my mind became a flood of wonderful memories I had, mostly of my Grandmother because my Papa had passed when I was young and my memories of him are few.  But I also had an overwhelming feeling of pride as I looked at all of the American flags and knew that those placed on the grave of a military man or woman was a way of saying "Thank you" for all they had done to keep our country free and as I got up to leave, I said a prayer for all of them and a thank you for all they had done.


"Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moment we get memories that last a life time..." – Anonymous

My memory of this day will last a lifetime.

"Happy are the people who know you Lord, who walk in the radiance of
your face. In your name they sing joyfully all the day..." 

~Psalms 89; 16-17

I pray that each and every soldier, whose grave I saw today,
knew the Lord and are now happy in His presence. 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Anything is Possible...

 Although we should always look forward in our lives, for just a moment I'd like you to look back over your life.  Were there times when life was so hard that it almost seemed impossible and yet, as you look back now you see that you jumped that hurdle and moved forward?  In Luke 18, the Bible tells us that the things that seem to be impossible with man, are possible with God. 

Just like these plants, the trees and the wildlife that find water in the desert, where at times it may seem impossible, if you take what God gives you and make the most of it, while praising Him, God will open the right doors for you.  He will bring the people you need into your life and He will show you the path to move forward in the destiny He chose for you.

In a song I listen to often, it says "Life is hard - but God is good... In the silence of all that you face, God will give you His mercy and grace."   One of the most difficult challenges we face in our lives is trusting others.  Would you be able to trust one of your friends enough to let them control what happens in your life?  Well, that is exactly what God is asking us to do and sometimes it is hard for us.  However, we need to remind ourselves that God loves us more than we can imagine and He knows what we need before we do.   He knows where our lives are going to take us and the best ways to get us there.  So as we face difficult times and challenges in our lives, we need to turn to God and ask Him to take control - we need to allow Him to handle things for us and not worry or be anxious about the outcome.  If we give control to God, the outcome will be better than we could have asked for.  We need to decide not to live our lives by how we feel, but by what we know - that God is in control.  Then we can live each day in God's peace.

Always remember - Anything is possible, when you trust and believe in the Lord.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Give Your Life a Purpose....

When you get up each day - do you start your day with a prayer?  Do you thank God for giving you another day to bring a smile to some one's life or to help another person?  Have you ever wondered what your purpose is here on this earth?  I have.  There have been many times when I couldn't even see that I had a purpose, but then when I turned to prayer, things became clearer.  

My Mother was a great role model for this.  Her faith was incredibly strong.  She began and ended each day in prayer.  She loved to do the dishes (by hand - she never liked the dishwasher) because she always said that was her quiet time.  And she would pray while all was quiet in the kitchen as she washed the dishes.  In fact I don't remember a time that I didn't look over and see her, during some quiet time of the day, quietly doing some household chore and her lips were moving as if she was talking under her breath.  I once asked her about it and she said, Oh, I'm just praying to God and thanking Him for everything.  

My Mother did not have an easy life, but her faith never faltered.  If one looked at her life, you would immediately know that her purpose was to help others and bring joy to those around her.  

As a child she came through the Depression Era.  Her father had only one arm and that limited the type of work he could do, but she remembers him as always being joyful and always finding work to take care of his family.  My Mother's baby sister died at the age of 6, which was a terrible blow to the family, but their faith carried them through.  Mom's dad died of a sudden heart attack shortly after her marriage and she and my dad had to cut their honeymoon short to come back to Tucson for the funeral.  Her older sister also died at a young age.  My Mom and Dad raised a family of five children in an extremely rural town in southern Arizona, which was a challenge in itself.  The nearest medical facility was 60-65 miles away over a rough dirt road.  The nearest grocery stores, other than a small mercantile in their town, were also 60-65 miles away.  There were no telephones in their town for the first 18 years of their married life.  The closest phone was 23 miles away. 

They say a Mother is the glue that holds the family together and nothing ever said was more true of my Mother.  With extremely limited resources, she made sure her family always had plenty to eat at mealtime, she always made sure we went off to school or church dressed nicely and many times the clothes we wore were those she had made for us.  She taught herself to sew and was a beautiful seamstress.  She ruled the family with a strong hand and a very loving heart.  She gave of herself and her time to anyone who needed her help -  and she didn't wait to be asked to help.  If she saw a need, she just jumped right in to do whatever she could.  Before marrying, she had earned her degree as a Registered Nurse and this served her well over many years.  She would hear of a neighbor who was sick and go to see what she could do to help them.  Often the doctors of these neighbors would ask my Mother to administer shots to his patients to save them the long drive to his office on a weekly basis.  

There were also those, most often strangers, who would come or be brought to our home for my mom to bandage them up to give them the time they needed to reach the nearest hospital. Many were gunshot wounds from hunting accidents,  some were hiking accidents and some were auto accidents.  She never turned anyone away from our door that I can remember.   She was an expert at using butterfly bandages and many times would butterfly bandage a cut that should have had stitches.  Quite often when those patients reached a medical facility, the doctor would say, the butterfly bandages were doing a better job than stitches and he would leave them alone, asking that the patient return to my mom to make sure all was healing well and to let her decide when the butterfly bandages should be removed.

"Fanny Crosby once said that the Lord 
"lovingly guards my footsteps and gives me songs in the night."  
A joyful heart is the mark of one who has a consistent walk with the Lord, 
who follows in the footsteps of the Master.  Take strength then, 
and be blessed in a close walk with the Lord, 
for I will strengthen them in the Lord and in His name they will walk." 
declares the Lord.  (Zechariah 10:12)  
~Written by Margaret Fishback Powers. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Love is a strange emotion.  It can build us up or bring us down.  It can make us happy, sad, angry, strong or weak.   There are many kinds of love.  Love of a spouse, love of another family member, love of a friend, love of a pet and of course Love of God. There are even times when we find ourselves in a position where we must love enough to let go.

As I look at my life and the lives of people I know, I see all types of love.  I know I have and will continue to love people differently in my life and I have even had to love enough to let go.  When the situation is happy this emotion can be the most wonderful and fulfilling emotion in our life.  It can give us a feeling of completeness in our lives.  However, love can also bring us great sadness and at times anger.  When love is positive it can grow like a beautiful flower, but when it is not, it can destroy.

When we love God and do our best to always follow His ways in every way, our love for others in our lives is very positive, happy and fulfilling.  Now I'm not saying that there may not be times of sadness or times when we need to let go, but if we keep our love for God strong, He will help us through those times.   That is His love for us working in our lives.

"What will separate us from the love of Christ? 
Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine....
No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly 
through Him who loved us."  
~Romans 8:37
"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord."  
~Romans 8:38
"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, 
who are called according to His purpose."  
~Romans 8:28

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Old Becomes New...

Sometimes we long for things to stay the same, but that is not God's way.  God wants us to grow and prepare for our Eternal Home.  We must change to grow.  To do this, we must often give up the old for the new. 

Several years ago I repainted my master bathroom.  I carefully chose the colors for the wall and the moldings, then chose a decorative wallpaper border to use to divide the wall at the height of the top of the shower.  It turned out wonderful and I loved it.  Every time I would look at the walls and the colors, I smiled because it was something I had done myself and something I really liked.  Now, years later, I still like the colors, but more and more often I see colors when I'm in the stores and walking through the paint department that I like just as much.  Colors that keep catching my eye and say "pick me, pick me," but to choose the new colors and repaint means letting go of the old colors.   

We all are faced with changes in our lives - having to let go of something to be able to accept the new.   Some we choose and some are chosen for us by others or circumstances.  Some are easy and some are quite difficult.  Some changes are quick and happen in the blink of an eye and some take days, months and even years to complete.   How we handle these changes is what makes us who we are.  Each time we are faced with accepting or adopting a new way of doing something, a new place to live, a new job or simply a new color in our home we are growing in our journey in this life. 

I love to talk with people who have lived through times that were different than what I lived through.  To hear them speak of the changes they came through and how they came through those changes in their life says a great deal about who they are as a person.  I think it also gives great insight to their soul.  People who have truly grown as they came through changes in their lives will have a beautiful soul that shines in their eyes and their smile.  I often hear people say of another, "they have a good heart."  I believe having a "good heart" is the same as having a good soul.  These people have grown in God's ways as they came through changes and learned to let go of the old - gracefully.   

"That is not how you learned Christ, ... 
That you should put away the old self of your former way of life, 
corrupted by deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 
and put on the new self, created in God's way in righteousness and holiness of truth."
~Ephesians 4:20-24

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Future Full of Hope...

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, 
says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe!  
Plans to give you a future full of hope.  
When you call me, when you go to pray to me, 
I will listen to you." 
~Jeremiah 29:11-12

In his book, "Starting Your Best Life Now", Joel Osteen wrote "God has more in store for you!"

Sometimes we tend to forget this.  Sometimes we focus on our problems and not on God.  If we focus on God when troubled times or problems arise in this life, we would find windows that open when doors have shut.  We would see greater things happening in our life.  We would see the joy and beauty that God has surrounded us with every day.   Just like a winter landscape that at first glance may look bleak to some, there is beauty, hope and joy to those who focus on God. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience" ~James 1:2

Patience - It is said patience is a virtue.  The Bible quote above says our troubles in this world test our faith and give us patience.  This is so very true.  

As an example, I recently was trying to download a favorite Christian song from Amazon.com.  It would not work.  The download said it did, but Windows Media would not recognize the file nor play the song.  Now you must understand that I am not a computer geek.  I can usually persist at problems I have on the computer and solve some of them.  And most of the problems I have solved have been due to my persistence and patience - there is just something wrong with being outsmarted by a machine and I know that patience with myself and the problem is what it will take to work through it.  I choose to be patient with myself so I can solve my computer problems.  However, I am not always patient with myself or with circumstances in other areas of my life, but I am learning to be.  I was born a perfectionist and have had to overcome this throughout my life, because life itself is not perfect.  I thank God for the situations he has asked me to work through or overcome that have taught me patience.  I thank God for the friends he has blessed my life with because they have helped me to see that I need patience when what I want is to have a problem situation solved "right now."  They have helped me to see that "right now" is not what I needed, but instead I needed to work my way through the troubles to become a better person and become closer to God.  They say hindsight is 20-20 and if I look at the troubles I have come through I can see the lessons I've learned and how each of them was a growing period in my life.  Patience can be as simple as waiting on someone to meet you or waiting for the sun to go down to get just the right light in a photograph.  Or, it can be as complicated as having patience with yourself or others as you work through a troubled time.  

I pray that I can remember to say "Thank you Lord Jesus" each time I am faced with troubles in my life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wings of Faith....

"How precious is Your love, O God!  We take refuge in the shadow of Your wings."  ~Psalm 36:8

How many of you remember the song "The Wind Beneath My Wings"?  When I hear it, I think of an eagle soaring in the sky, wings outstretched, catching the winds to go where it needs to go.   Another thought that comes to mind are the clouds floating in the sky and ever changing with the winds.  When this song came out it was used in so many different ways and with different interpretations.  Some were singing the song for family members, some for volunteer organizations and some in a spiritual way.  I guess the meaning would always be the same - that someone feels another is their strength, guide, protector and/or hero.

I have had family and friends fall into this category during my life.  People who inspired me, supported me and helped me along life's path.  People who brought joy to my life and helped me to be who I am today.  It was wonderful having them in my life when I needed them and so very, very sad when they were no longer there.   I know that change is a part of life, but having to change from having those who played a large part in my life  to not having those people there, has always been extremely difficult for me.   I cannot think of anyone who enjoys saying good-bye, be it to a way of life, a family member, a dear friend, or even a place where they felt safe and secure.  Most of us have said good-bye too many times already in our lives and I for one, would like more stability in this area of my life.  It is said that nothing stays the same and I guess this is correct.  I have had very special people in my life who are no longer there.  For some, it was their choice to move on and for others it was God's choice.  I have been on one path in life, feeling it was where I was supposed to be, but as suddenly as a storm blows through, the winds changed and I found myself on a new path with many unknowns in front of me.  

In the Psalm above, it states we should take refuge in the shadow of our Lord's wings.  For me, this is the only way I have been able to continue to move forward when these changes threatened to suffocate me in sadness or change.  I hope I, and you, will always remember this Psalm, remember that God's love is always there and seek to find refuge from these difficult times in the shadows of  the Wings of God.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our Temporary Home....

"God has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; 
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  ~Ecclesiastes 3:11

If God hath made this world so fair
Where sin and death abound,
How beautiful beyond compare
Will paradise be found.
~James Montgomery

"This is My Temporary Home" are the words found in a song by Carrie Underwood - another song that inspires me.  Every day we can look around us and see the blessings of God.  Beautiful scenery, people who love us, both family and friends, beautiful music that touches our hearts, hope, the means to care for ourselves and so much more. 

For all the blessings and the beauty that God has put on this earth for us to enjoy, He will place so much more in our eternal home. My Mom used to tell me, "honey, when things get tough for you, just look around you and you will find someone else who is worse off than you."  During my growing up years, at the times in my life when I was feeling down and she would tell me this, somehow it didn't seem to help.  I was hurting and even though I could see others hurting for much worse reasons, it didn't take my pain away.  Don't get me wrong, I did feel bad for those others and prayed for their lives to improve, but I still had my pain and disappointments to deal with.   Even today, I sometimes remember to look around me and I do see others in worse situations than mine.  I try to put things into perspective and consider the blessings I have that perhaps they don't.  But personal pain is still pain and we each must work through it.  When I first heard the song about this being our temporary home it gave me a new perspective and a new way of looking at the difficult, and at times, seemingly impossible problems I was dealing with - The stresses at work that wear me down each day, attempting to hold on to a  friendship when the other person is pulling away and my not understanding why, personal dilemmas because of family disagreements and wanting to make things right, mountains given to me by God that seem impossible to climb and reach the top.  More and more as I face these difficult times in my life, I am going to do my best to remember the verse of this song:

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This was just a stop, on the way To where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."

"Then I saw a new Heaven and a new earth.  The former Heaven had passed away, and the sea was no more.  I also saw the Holy City, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  I heard a loud voice from the throne, 'Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race.  He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them [as their God].  He will wipe every tear from their their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away."   The one who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."   ~Revelation 21: 1-5

Monday, April 19, 2010


Have you ever thought about the friendships you have had throughout your life? 

Some may have been the greatest of friendships at the time and then your life would take a turn and those you were so very close to would be gone from your life.  It's as if you walked together side by side and then came to a Y in the road and your path went one direction and your friend's path the other.  If you look at your life, these Y's in the path happen quite often.  Some of our "friends" may now just be a sweet memory of a season in our life and there may be a handful or less that we continue to stay in contact with.  Friendship takes work - it takes one or both persons to make an effort to stay in touch, be it by email, phone or in writing.  Without one person making the effort, the friendship will slip away into a memory.  I guess this is just part of the evolution of our lives while we are here on earth.  When I think of the friends I've known and the roles we played in each others lives, I realize how wonderful and necessary those relationships were at the time.  We each helped one another in different ways, but for us to become the people we are today, we needed to be in each others lives at that time.  Some of my friends taught me life lessons and some I was able to help in one way or another.  I think of friends as part of the growing process.  There are some I still wish were a part of my life today, but I am no longer the same person, nor are they.  We have each grown and followed different paths that were required of us, so the closeness we once felt cannot be duplicated today.  Others will come into our lives in the future and play important roles, but we shouldn't try to hold on too tightly, for they also will have to take a different path when we both reach the next Y in the road.

Sometimes our lives tend to get so busy that we put aside our friends and some of these are the people we care the most for in our lives.  We think that when we have more spare time, we can get back in touch with them.  We are often wrong.  

Sometimes we fail to say the thank you's we should - or the "I love you's" or "I care about you's" to the people who mean the most to us.  We forge through every day doing what has to be done, saying hello to those we see, but what happens to those we don't see?  They don't cease to exist just because we don't see them or talk to them.  

Friends, whether family or not, are gifts from God.  He brings these people into our lives for a reason.  He also chooses the times of our lives when we will need these people the most and He chooses how long the path is that we will walk together. 

Through out my life, I have made it a practice to contact friends from my past if for an unknown reason they are on my mind.   This has always proved to be just the time when they needed to hear from a friend.  A couple of years back, I looked up the phone number for a friend I had not seen or heard from since our paths went in different ways - more than 20 years before.  When he answered his phone and I told him who was calling, I thought he was going to crawl through the phone and hug me.  He was so very happy to receive my call.  We visited for 20-30 minutes and as we were ready to end the call he told me that I could not have timed my call better.  He said he really needed to hear from a friend that evening and at that point in time.  I don't believe it was a simple matter of timing.  I believe that God helped me to think of my friend and to feel the need to make the call when I did.  God knew he needed to hear a friendly voice.  Today, I called a friend I have not seen for more than 10 years.  His job is extremely demanding and I wasn't surprised when I had to leave a message on his phone.  When he called me back he sounded so overjoyed to have received a call from me - a friend who almost slipped into a memory.  
So, today I urge you to ask yourself, who needs to hear from you today?  
And why haven't you touched their heart by contacting them?

Take Responsibility for Yourself....

I ran across this cute story the other day,  It was among a group of humorous stories and quotes, but oh so true it can be at times. 

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude." 
"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. 
"I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?" 
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip." 
The woman below responded, "You must be in Management." 
"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?" 
"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

~Received from Clifford Huntington as submitted to the Jim Huggins' Humor Page

Sunday, April 18, 2010

In The Eyes of A Child....

When was the last time you watched a child at play?  A child being silly?  Have you ever really looked deep into the eyes of a child when they are playing and happy?  If so, you have seen pure, unadulterated joy that accompanies an unconditional love.  The joy that comes from being silly or playing a game either with others or one they play by themselves.  A joy that comes from deep within their hearts - A joy that comes from God.  Children have a way of finding enjoyment in life in the smallest of ways.  I've heard some adults  say they too can find happiness in the smallest of things.  For those, they still have their childish joys and how wonderful their lives are because of it.  My Mom was like that.  She would joke and kid with a stranger in the grocery store and then she would say "You don't have to be crazy to get along in this life - but it sure helps" and then just laugh at her own joke.  Her silliness and joy was contagious to everyone around her.  We all need to look deep within ourselves and find a little bit of that childishness that is still in us.  It doesn't matter if we are 9 or 90, a little bit of childish joy and child-likeness in our hearts is good for the soul.

"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven..."  ~Matthew, 18, 3-4